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  • hanmorgan7


As part of my current project I have been working with a furniture company, Orangebox. Our task was to create a sustainable design for their Sully stool which used the offcuts from current products they created. People are becoming more aware with what we are manufacturing and throwing away. People are aiming to use the idea of a circular economy, in which we reuse all materials where possible.

Here is a diagram showing the ways in which materials could be reused. Available at: Currently, all Orangebox’s waste is incinerated and they create tonnes of waste fabrics each week. For a piece of wool to be sourced and transported just to be thrown away is a bit of a waste. My solution is to create a design that utilises waste by using both end rolls and scraps. In addition, my design uses screenprinting and lasercutting that creates imagery on the stool. It resembles natural forms of flowers and rain that are abstracted to geometric shapes. I wanted to create a collaged collection of different blue/grey wools which would all be needle punched together to create a weathered effected to the fabric, but also keep everything together.

There are many design problems still to overcome and experiment with, for example, if one was to be produced on a mass scale how would the most efficient way be to cut the pieces with current designs. Also, what would happen if the colours/materials weren’t available as offcuts that the clients wanted.

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