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  • hanmorgan7

Copy of Project Proposal - Orangebox

Our task was to create a stainable design for the Orangebox Sully stool using the offcuts from current products they created. People are becoming more aware of what we are manufacturing and throwing away. People are aiming to use the idea of a circular economy, in which we reuse all materials where possible.

My solution is to create a design that utilises waste by using both end rolls and scraps. Currently Orangebox are processing tonnes of waste through offcuts which get incinerated. Our task is to use these offcuts to create a suitable design to overcome this issue. My design in addition uses screenprinting and lasercutting.

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I used ‘biophilic’ design which was addressed to us in our tour. Through research I could see that many office spaces use this to try and create an environment that creates good work efficiency. There was an amazing image of a hallway which used a long ceiling window that allowed people to feel as if they still had a connection of the natural environment with what was around outside. This has then allowed me to explore the idea of looking through a window and playing around with light and dark.

When looking on the factory tour areas like the ‘live wallpaper’ and the huge windows only work when light is evolved. Good lighting on a good day will make you feel a lot better compared to a grey rainy day which in turn will make you feel unmotivated, and I wanted to try and reflect that in my colour palette.

My final design has tried to collaborate all these different elements together. I’ve created imagery on the stool that resembles natural forms of flowers and rain that are abstracted to geometric shapes. From this I looked at the importance of light in a space. This has allowed me to develop the colour palette that looks at a range of blue tones that could be changed to the client’s needs. I wanted to create a collaged collection of different blue/grey wools which would all be needle punched together to create a weathered effect to the fabric but also keep everything together.

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